For the first time in the history of The Interfaith Center of New York’s Marshall Meyer Retreats, video taken of the various day’s segments is publicly available via ICNY’s YouTube channel.
The December 4 retreat, entitled “Child Welfare and Foster Care,” was an informational and networking program for clergy, grassroots lay leaders, and faith-based service and advocacy leaders interested in Foster Care in New York City. Virtually all of the retreat was filmed and is available online.
New York City Administration for Children’s Services Commissioner Ronald Richter presented the opening address, introduced by his colleague Benita Miller.
Morning panels helped “Demystify” the ACS and informed us about ACS Community Partnerships. Def Dance Jam Workshop performed an excerpt from “Fostering Faith.” One afternoon panel examined how the Casey Faith Based Initiative connects ACS with faith communities. The final panel addressed the need for Cultural Responsiveness when dealing with families and children in crisis.
Throughout the day, leaders from numerous religions offered insightful reflections on child welfare from the perspective of their faiths, among them Rabbi Wolf Weiser, Manmeet Kaur, Imam Samer Alraey, Anindita Chaterjee Bhaumik, Venerable T.K. Nakagaki and Rev. Dr. Emma Jordon Simpson.
As many attendees observed, the Marshall Meyer Retreats help meet the critical need to connect government services with people in need across New York City.
Please take advantage of these videos to learn more about how faith leaders and communities can work together with government services to help families receive the assistance they need to stay intact and become healthier and stronger.