6/22 Diversity in Worship but Unity in Action
Salah BeltaguiOn Sunday we attended some church services and visited a Buddhist “Church”. This led...
NY1 Story Includes Interfaith Center
“Immigration Task Force Aims to Expand Social Services in Queens”First published in NY1, 6/19/2009by Tamani...
6/18 Glaswegian Sikh Reflection
Ravinder Kaur Nijjar Today we visited one of the most diverse areas of New York...
6/17 Barcelonian Reflection
Reflections on the Religious Leaders Retreat on Immigration (June 16th and 17th 2009) Manuel Pérez...
6/17 Glaswegian Reflection
New York Inter Faith Exchange Visit 17 June 2009Henrietta Docherty We all arrived safe and...
21st Rabbi Marshall Meyer Retreat; JPM Fellows
The 21st Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer Interfaith Retreat on Social Justicetook place June 16...