ICNY’s round-up of news and opinion from diverse religious communities. Faith voices New Yorkers need to hear.
The Black Religion That’s Been Maligned for Centuries (The Atlantic)
Haitian Americans are reclaiming Vodou, a religion that has been condemned for much of its...
3 Jewish women sue to block Kentucky’s abortion restrictions on religious grounds (Jewish Telegraphic Agency)
Three Jewish women have sued to protest Kentucky’s restrictive abortion laws on religious freedom grounds...
CNY college professor awarded MacArthur ‘genius grant’ for Indigenous ecological studies (Syracuse)
Professor Robin Wall Kimmerer is one of 25 MacArthur “genius grant” recipients for her work...
Pope Francis wants to make ‘father of migrants’ a saint (Washington Post)
Pope Francis wants to canonize a 19th-century bishop known as “the father of migrants”, sending...
Diwali will be honored as an official holiday in New York City schools (NPR)
Diwali, a holiday known as the "Festival of Lights," will become an official school holiday...
The Nap Bishop Is Spreading the Good Word: Rest (NY Times)
Tricia Hersey, founder of the Nap Ministry, sees rest as a revolutionary way to push...
Women and girls are leading Iran protests but others are joining from across society
While women and girls continue to be the driving force behind the protests, male students...
‘A Moment of Intimacy’: New Yorkers and the Sacred Spaces in Their Homes (NY Times)
Hundreds of thousands of people in NYC have set aside a part of their homes...
French Feminist Rabbi Captivates Multifaith Crowds With Musings on Mortality (NY Times)
With Paris locked down over Passover, a rabbi started holding weekly talks over Zoom about...
African American Faith and Freedom in Pre-Colonial Harlem (A Journey Through NYC Religions)
At the very beginning of Harlem’s life Africans were creating an African American identity rooted...
Belief and (mal)practice: Dueling images of old women’s religiosity (The Immanent Frame)
With the trope of “the religion of old women”, medieval Muslim writers mapped different, sometimes...
It’s Hard to Talk about HIV/AIDS in Interfaith Spaces – and it’s Crucial. (Interfaith America)
Author Raja Gopal Bhattar urges people to talk more about HIV/AIDS in order to "...end...