ICNY’s round-up of news and opinion from diverse religious communities. Faith voices New Yorkers need to hear.
Three Faiths Gather in Omaha to Address Race and Religion (Interfaith America)
Tri-Faith Initiative and the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Department of Religious Studies hosted the...
Two decades after 9/11, Muslims still fighting the bias (AP News)
A car passed, the driver’s window rolled down and the man spat an epithet at...
In Honor of “Masjid Uncles (Muslim Matters)
“Masjid uncles” often get a bad rap: portrayed as grumpy immigrants, trapped in the past...
As a Country We’re in Need of Healing. Here’s How Shabbat Can Help (Interfaith America)
New research shows the power of regular common rituals to make room to build these...
African American Faith and Freedom in Pre-Colonial Harlem (Journey Through NYC Religions)
At the very beginning of Harlem’s life Africans were creating an African American identity rooted...
“A study of Jewish LA finds a growing and diverse community” from Religion News Service
'What happens here, and is cutting edge here, will lead the cultural evolution of Jewish...